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Time’s up!

How long must you wait for the Third Party to respond on whether he wants a Pre-Repair Inspection before you can commence repairs

1. What is a Pre-Repair Inspection (PRI)?

The Pre-Action Protocol for Non-Injury Motor Accident Cases (NIMA protocol) requires a claimant’s vehicle to be inspected by the Third Party1 before it could be repaired.

For example, if your vehicle was hit from the rear, the surveyor representing the insurer of the rear vehicle (i.e. the Third Party1) has to inspect your vehicle before you can commence repairs.


2. Why must I (the claimant) let the Third Party check my vehicle before I could repair it?

PRI is for the Third Party to guard against inflated claims.

During PRI, the surveyor representing the Third Party will check and document the extent of damage. During subsequent negotiation, reference will be made to the findings in the PRI.

3. What does the PRI mean for you?

If you are the claimant: your vehicle has to sit longer in the workshop before you can get it back, repaired.

If you are the motor workshop: your customer will be impatient to have his repaired car back. If you could return the car fast, you will get a return customer. But experience will tell you that the Third Party may delay in responding to PRI. Thus, it is important you know when you can safely commence repairs after the time due for PRI has expired.

4. (If you are the motor workshop) How long must I wait for the Third Party to respond on whether he wants a PRI before I could commence repairs?

The Third Party has 2 working days from the receipt of the Notification of Accident (NOA) to state whether he wants a PRI2. If the Third Party fails to respond within this period on whether he wants a PRI, you may proceed to repair the vehicle3.

1 For ease of reference here, Third Party here refers to the motor insurer of the “other car” (i.e. the car that banged you).
2 [2.3 ] of the NIMA protocol
3 [7.2] of the NIMA protocol


Example 1

Your send out the NOA by email on Monday. As is usually the case with electronic mail, the NOA would be received by the Third Party on the same day (Monday). You may commence repairs on Thursday if by 2359 hours on Wednesday, the Third Party still does not respond on whether he wants a PRI.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
NOA 1st working day 2nd working day Commence repairs


Example 2

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
NOA 1st working day 2nd working day Commence repairs4


Example 3

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
NOA 1st working day 2nd working day Commence repairs
4 But if your workshop is closed on Saturday, you may commence repairs on the following Monday

5. Will the examples above be different if I send out my NOA very early in the day? For instance, I send out my NOA at 8.00 am on Monday. How long must I wait for the Third Party to respond before I can commence repairs?

You will still commence repairs only on Thursday (not before) (see, Example 1). Even if you send out the NOA very early on Monday, the 2 working days will still only start on Tuesday5

5 Order 3 Rule 2(2)

6. How can Leagle Sense LLC help?

We send out the NOA on the same day instructions are received from you, regardless of time or day. We know you are under pressure to return the car fast to your customer.